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About Us

The Origins of ZGAR: Crafting Excellence in Vaping since 2019

At the heart of ZGAR's story lies a journey that began in 2019, with a dedicated team hailing from the vibrant city of Hong Kong. Prior to establishing our brand, our voyage within the electronic cigarette trade spanned from 2012 to 2018, encompassing both the bustling markets of Hong Kong and far-reaching corners of the globe. With each year that passed, we honed our craft and nurtured a distinctive product design philosophy that would eventually pave the way for our own unique identity.

The Name "ZGAR": A Tribute to Heritage and Passion

The birth of the name "ZGAR" holds a special significance, drawing inspiration from the word "CIGAR," an emblem of timeless indulgence. This embodiment of heritage and passion resonates deeply with us, encapsulating the essence of our commitment to crafting exceptional vaping experiences.

Craftsmanship Redefined: Innovating Personalized Vaping

ZGAR prides itself on meticulous craftsmanship, offering an array of products meticulously designed to meet diverse preferences. Our lineup boasts a tapestry of choices, ranging from the culturally rich "GenkiIppai V5" and the refreshingly cool "Ice Max AbsoluteZero V5" to the cherished favorite "AbsoluteZero BINGO," the sophisticated "ZGAR AZ BOX," and the pioneering "AbsoluteZero S1." With each creation, we strive to cater to the nuanced tastes of our cherished vaping community.

A Global Vision: Spreading the Joy of Healthier Vaping

Our vision extends beyond boundaries, seeking to introduce the atomizer's healthful allure to every corner of the world. Rooted in a commitment to innovation that mirrors the desires of our consumers, we provide atomizer products that are both secure and dependable. Our aim is to foster open cooperation that benefits all parties involved, nurturing long-term growth and value for our esteemed partners.

Join us on a journey that harmonizes health and joy, as we invite vapers around the world to partake in the splendor of ZGAR.